Sunday, December 30, 2007

Shadow Play

Last night Nehemiah caught sight of his shadow for the first time during his bedtime routine. I thought it was just a fluke, but it happened again tonight. It will be fun when I can explain it to him, but I think he might be formulating his own idea of how it works, because he kept looking back and forth between his night light, me, and the shadow we were casting. That little one is a student of the light and always has been. I love the metaphoric meaning of that practice. Hopefully it turns into the spiritual application as well. :) It's definitely something we'll be working on throughout his life. Alas, my munchkin was so fascinated by his shadow that he didn't properly settle into bed, so he is up and has been for a little while. So much for crying it out! At least he is generally quickly soothed once I go in. I just wish I could train in a little less Mama-only soothing, so that if he is watched by someone else he will calm down for them too. Any suggestions?

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