Monday, December 3, 2007


My husband is completing his bachelor's degree online, and one night he was reading his marketing text when he came upon this Word of Mouth online company. He knows how much I LOVE to try new products, and what a blabber mouth I am when I am excited about something, so he got me the hook-up! I am officially a BzzAgent!

I received my first official Bzz campaign last week, and it was this awesome Sonicare toothbrush (see picture). It is called the Flexcare, and I have been using it for about a week and LOVE it! My teeth feel so much cleaner. I really noticed it the first time--it felt like I'd just stepped out of the dentist's office! It has a couple of different modes: a quick brush mode that times you for 1 minute, and then a complete mode that lasts for 3 glorious minutes of alternating brushing and gum massage. Yep, I said it, GUM MASSAGE! Who knew? There are a few other settings, like a sensitive one, in case you have sensitive teeth. But my favorite non-brushing extra is the UV Sanitizing Chamber. You can stick your brush head in and close the door to the little compartment, and it looks like your toothbrush head is being beamed up by Scotty to some magical cleaning land. The best part? All I had to do was push a button. :) I am not one who loves to clean.

There is a website that you can check out about the secret life of your toothbrush called I have to be honest--after talking to my aunt, who watched a Myth-Busters episode on such things, I have been a little afraid to look. Apparently it involved the fact that so many toothbrushes are stored in the open air of the bathroom, somewhere in the proximity of a flushing toilet...I'm sure your imagination can fill in the blanks!

Anyway--this BzzAgent thing has started out really great, I mean I can't complain about getting a $179 toothbrush for free! My next campaign is Listerine's Quick Dissolving Whitestrips. I'll have to report on that later though--I haven't started that one yet.

If you're interested in the BzzAgent thing, sign up at it's free and fun!

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