Friday, December 7, 2007

A day of infamy and holiday cheer

Today we remember the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the Americans that gave their lives before WWII began. May God spare us from future hostile attacks, and if He, in His wisdom, chooses not to, may we learn the fortitude and forbearance that He desires to teach us as a people and a nation. Please do not take your life and freedom for granted, nor the people that fight to preserve both of them.

Today was the first day since Nehemiah was born that I really went out of my way to look smashing! ;) It was the camp Christmas party, so I did my hair, my makeup, and went and found my winter clothes (I wondered where those were)! I put them in storage last year when I was pregnant and knew I wouldn't fit into them, so it took some digging to unearth them. I guess it was about time since it is below zero, and has been off and on for a few weeks. Anyway, it was fun, and the party was a blast. There was a great white elephant gift exchange, in which I received a pretty, and cozy bright red blanket with silver flecks in it and a cell phone holder, and Ben got a giant calculator.

Nehemiah was a bit overstimulated from a combination of things: the party, the fact that his naps seemed shorter than usual, and that he was up about 2 hours after his bedtime. It took him a little while to settle down, and the little booger put those two little teeth to good use and BIT me--OUCH! That'll put a quick end to nursing for a bit--I was so surprised I almost smacked him (it felt like an involuntary response). I swaddled him up, put him in his crib and walked away for a little while until I could go back in a better mood. I was still a little jumpy, but in the end, he has a full belly and is sleeping peacefully.

Ben made some yummy Cardamom buns for the potluck party, and I made a dump cake. There was a ton of other yummy food, so I am about to imitate my son and go to bed fat and happy. Amen!

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