Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Developmental Milestone

We have a nice little inflatable bath tub for Nehemiah that saves us water and is nice and cushy if he slips around a bit. He likes it, but I thought he might enjoy a bath in the "big person" tub.

At first, he wasn't sure what to do all alone in that much water. So he just stood there.

He seemed a little perplexed.

Eventually I tried a 2nd time to sit him down, and then he got really into it.


Anonymous said...

What a cutie!


Anonymous said...

Oh my! The picture with the caption, "He seemed a little perplexed" is right on! So funny...it's the perfect expression for, "What is Mommy thinking...and what am I supposed to do here?"

I'm really glad he had fun! Bath toys here we come!

The Canny Crew