Sunday, March 8, 2009

Adelynne's Birth Story

I’d been having birthing waves on and off since, well the beginning of February really. My guess date was February 28, and though I was post-due date with my son, I kind of suspected that my second wouldn’t be that way once I started pressure waves that early!

Fortunately I have a great doctor who never even mentioned induction—even with a 2nd “big baby” at just about 41 weeks! My favorite bit of encouragement that I heard while expecting what I suspected would be another big baby (my first was 9lbs 5 oz) was that baby fat squishes! So I told everyone that, and I believed it to my core—how true it turns out to be!

On Wednesday, I started having pressure waves 4-6 minutes apart, and because we live an hour away from the hospital, and we needed to drop our son off at our friends’ house, we decided to head into the hospital. We got there, and about an hour or two later, the contractions petered out. It looked like our little girl was working up to something, but we were still going to have to exercise patience—not my strong suit by the way! I was Group B Strep +, so the on-call doc told me it was better safe than sorry as far as my getting to the hospital timing was concerned, and that he would rather have me in 5 times for prelabor, than have her so fast that we couldn’t get her all the antibiotics through the I.V.

Thursday ended up being rather uneventful, which meant I got a good night’s sleep, for which I was grateful, and Friday, my parents arrived from out of state to visit—fortuitous since we thought they’d be coming to visit an already born baby! They got in at 1:30 pm, and we had kind of a busy day—by my design, because I thought it might get things going! We went to a late dinner and were home around 9 pm. I’d had a few pressure waves throughout the day, but nothing particularly of note, but they did seem to be picking up in both intensity and speed as I put my son down for the night. I was really concentrating on those lullabies by the end of our routine!

When I left the room around 9:30, I turned on the ContractionMaster website out of curiosity and started timing my waves. The first 2 were about 7.5 minutes apart, the next 5, the next 3.5—I decided to get into the tub to see if it slowed things down. That was the suggestion of the L&D nurse from the last time I’d been in. She said to soak for about 30 minutes or so, then get out and see if the waves started back up again. Well 15 minutes into my bath, I’d had more than 5 waves and decided it was time to go! I told Ben, we put a few last minute things in the car, I put my Easy First Stage Hypnobabies track on my iPod with my headphones, and we were off! We got to the hospital at midnight and went right up to our room.

They were doing the intake in between my birthing waves, and I was still listening on my iPod. I was able to breathe deeply with my lightswitch off during each wave, and was totally responsive in between to the questions. My first exam showed I was at a 6, which surprised everyone a little. About a half an hour after that I was at an 8, and it wasn’t long after that that I felt what I thought was my water breaking—that is unconfirmed by the staff, because I guess it didn’t look like it had broken, and they’re not really sure when it did, but I felt a very different set of sensations immediately after the strong wave with the pop in the middle. I’d been so calm and quiet to that point, and it was as if I was taken over. I was vocalizing loudly, and I would be dishonest if I didn’t admit that there was p***, but she was crowning—unbeknownst to me—I wasn’t sure what was going on since I didn’t really have the luxury of feeling my first birth.

I had put my iPod into a dock by this point and I was listening to Early First Stage still—no time to switch to Pushing Baby Out. Ben says I pushed 3 times—I honestly couldn’t tell you, but it was amazing to feel each step-first her head (14.5 in.) then her shoulders (14 in.) then her chest (14 in.) and body. Adelynne was here; 9 pounds 2.5 ounces and 20 ½ inches long! She made her grand entrance less than 2 hours after we got to the hospital—at 1:48 am. They immediately put her on my chest and waited for the cord to stop pulsing. It was the most glorious moment of bonding ever! I was clear-headed and exhilarated with awe, joy, and love at my birthing process and my beautiful little girl! We did it! The nurse said it took 8 minutes from start to finish—the doctor barely got in here and the bed was broken down just in time. With things moving as fast as they did, I had a 2nd degree tear, but the doctor really took her time stitching, and I can already tell I am healing well from that, and I didn’t feel it happen, so it’s really not a big deal.

All of the nurses have been talking about how great things were—this is the first Hypnobabies—or Hypnosis type birth of any kind that they have seen, and they are full of good things to say; wishing all births would go that way.

Adelynne has been so alert compared to Nehemiah. I feel badly that he had all of those drugs the first time, because the difference is astounding! But without that first birth experience, I wouldn’t have had the incentive to figure out what I wanted to do differently the next time; the Lord works all things together for good.

Well, I think little Miss A is ready to nurse again—she loves that! So, I’d better run! I couldn’t have asked for a better experience, and will tell anyone who’s interested all about it! Praise the Lord with me for His faithfulness and provision, and for new life!


Zoe said...

Oh, sweetie, she's lovely. I'm so glad it was a better, less stressful experience for you, and that Miss A is doing so well. Thanks so much for making the pictures available, and I join you in your prayers of thanksgiving!

brentandsarah said...

I'm SO glad that it worked out so well for you! It was an answer to lots of prayers! You'll have to let me know about meals, I'm trying to organize them for you with the Sunday school girls. I figured you'd want them after your parents are gone, and I was wondering if you'd like them every other night so you don't get overloaded with leftovers. Let me know!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Awesome! I am without words...which you know is rare...I just can't express how filled up this whole story makes me...again...without words...very unusual...hmmm...

You are right, Erin...the stinky eye picture did not do her justice...she is very beautiful! (But I'm glad her daddy has a sense of humor!)

Love to you all

Anonymous said...

Erin....I am SO HAPPY for you! Your natural birth story is awesome! I applaud you for finding something else that fit you for Adelynne's birth! She is adorable...kissable cheeks!!! Way to go Mama! Gotta love those big babies!

Amber Lianne said...

She is so beautiful! I can't wait to meet her! I hope really soon! I haven't even seen Nehemiah for over a year! Ah! What's up with that???